Schlagwort-Archive: Freude am Fahren

Freude am Fahren

Die USA sind bekannt für kuriose Schadensersatzklagen. Doch die gegen Motorradbauer BMW und Sitzhersteller Corbin setzt neue Maßstäbe. Ein Kalifornier fordert Entschädigung für eine schmerzhafte Dauererektion (Priapismus). In der Klageschrift vom 25. April 2012 heißt es:

Plaintiff was riding his 1993 BMW motorcycle equipped with a Corbin-Pacific seat. The ride lasted approximately two hours each way to Plaintiff’s destination…

Plaintiff now suffers from priapism (a long lasting erection), and has been experiencing continuing problems since his motorcycle ride. He is now unable to engage in sexual activity, which is causing him substantial emotional and mental anguish. Plaintiff is distraught and distressed because of this. Defendants, and each of them, are liable to Plaintiff due the their negligent design, manufacture and/or installation of the seat on Plaintiff’s motorcycle.