Weil die gekaufte Strumpfhose nicht die erwartete Erregung herbeiführte, insbesondere keinen Orgasmus, klagt eine Frau aus New York City, denn die Werbung für Kushyfoot verspreche bereits beim Laufen höchste Gefühle. Gefordert wird Schadensersatz in Höhe von $ 5 Mio.
In der Klage vom 12. Januar 2015 wird der streitauslösende Werbespot wie folgt beschrieben:
As she makes her way through the streets, she moans and utters highly sexually charged phrases to herself, including „That’s the spot“ and „So good,“ as a song with the lyrics „I feel super satisfied, super satisfied“ plays in the background to further the sexual angle of the advertisement. Her assertive stride and relaxed air are literally show-stopping, causing male and female passersby alike to stop in their tracks to look at her with their mouths agape. Towards the end of the commercial, the woman opens her eyes to find herself surrounded by a group of excited women fascinated with knowing her secret to feeling orgasmic on city streets.